Trouble du contrôle des impulsions :



¤ F63.1 [312.33 Pyromanie

A. Allumage délibéré et réfléchi d'incendies, survenant à plusieurs reprises.

B. Tension ou excitation émotionnelle avant l'acte.

C. Fascination, intérêt, curiosité ou attirance pour le feu ou pour tout ce qui s'y rapporte (p. ex. matériel, utilisation, conséquences).

D. Plaisir, gratification ou soulagement en allumant des incendies, en les contemplant ou en participant aux événements, qui en résultent.

E. Le feu n'est pas allumé pour un bénéfice commercial, ni pour manifester une idéologie sociopolitique, camoufler une activité criminelle, exprimer la colère ou la vengeance, améliorer ses conditions de vie, ni en réponse à des idées délirantes, à des hallucinations ou à un trouble du jugement (comme p. ex. dans la Démence, le Retard mental ou l'Intoxication par une substance).

F. L'allumage d'incendies n'est pas mieux expliqué par un Trouble des conduites, un Episode maniaque ou une Personnalité antisociale.


312.33 Pyromania

A. Deliberate and purposeful fire setting on more than one occasion.

B. Tension or affective arousal before the act.

C. Fascination with, interest in, curiosity about, or attraction to fire and its situational contexts (e.g., paraphernalia, uses, consequences).

D. Pleasure, gratification, or relief when setting fires, or when witnessing or participating in their aftermath.

E. The fire setting is not done for monetary gain, as an expression of sociopolitical ideology, to conceal criminal activity, to express anger or vengeance, to improve one's living circumstances, in response to a delusion or a hallucination, or as a result of impaired judgment (e.g., in Dementia, Mental Retardation, Substance Intoxication).

F. The fire setting is not better accounted for by Conduct Disorder, a Manic Episode, or Antisocial Personality Disorder.


Molotov cocktail
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

A Molotov cocktail is a crude incendiary weapon which consists of a glass bottle filled with flammable liquid, usually petrol, and a rag stuffed in the mouth of the bottle. The weapon is used by lighting the rag and throwing the bottle at the target. The bottle shatters on impact, spilling the burning liquid over the target. Sometimes, if available, self-inflammatory materials (such as white phosphorus), could also be used to guarantee the bottle's explosion as it hits the target surface. Molotov cocktails are easy to make and are the standard weaponry of guerrilla warfare and violent rioters.

The name "Molotov cocktail" is derived from Vyacheslav Molotov, who was the Foreign Minister and Secretary of War of the Soviet Union during World War II. The soldiers of the Finnish army successfully used Molotov cocktails against Red Army tanks in the two conflicts between Finland and the Soviet Union and coined the term. Molotov cocktails were even mass-produced by the Finnish military, bundled with matches to light them.

Molotov cocktail

First believed to have been used during the Spanish Civil War (1936-1939), the Molotov cocktail is a simple weapon consisting of a glass container filled with a flammable liquid. Stuffed into the neck of the container is an oil-soaked rag which is lit on fire just prior to the container being thrown at its target. Numerous variations on this weapon were made, including the addition of thickening agents designed to help the flammable liquid stick to its target. Although often thought of as a weapon used by rebels, insurgents and other untrained forces, the Molotov cocktail was also employed by professionally-trained soldiers in World War II, and was known to the British Army as the "bottle bomb."


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